
Friday, October 5, 2012

Hello Univ Life!!!! ~hha...

Jedeerrrrr....!!!!! postingan pertama di Bulan ini adalah postingan tugas, jadi agak aneh juga sih biasanya cuma cerita ngalor ngidul doang, eeeh... ada bahasan yg serius, hha... jadi,  it’s time for unformal posting, hha...

Well, it’s almost two weeks for me “being” a college student, hha... I’m not a high school student anymore, since I got my ijazah.. hha...

After long search, so many university I’ve tried and many times I got rejected by them, SO...HERE I AM NOW.. as a Guadarma college student majoring Psychology, happy and sad when I know that I’ve accepted in this Univ, happy that I WILL learn what I want “Psychology” –this is my dream since I was a Junior student, and sad that I’m not a public college student, first time I felt angry with myself and felt sorry to my parents and my brothers, that my work not as big as my will, hha... yaa.. regret always comes late... so that, I think I wanna go for next year test, I wanna try once more for get into public univ, insyaallah UI – Psychology, amin... :D

Pengalaman setelah jadi mahasiswa, “cukup” mengejutkan karena semuanya BARU, hari pertama jadi mahasiswa aja udah ngerasain disuruh nungguin dosen yang lamaaaa sangat datengnya, bingung nyari pindahan kelas karena ngurusnya harus ke ruang sekjur, kenal sama orang orang baru yang gabisa ditebak gimana aslinya, ada yang keliatan calm tapi nyatanya brutal, dan tampaknya brutal tapi kelakuannya kaya orang calm, hha... yaa.. masih menikmatilah hari hari sebagai maba –mahasiswa baru, dan belum terlalu banyak juga list tugas.

So.. this is my write for today...

Semangat semua Mahasiswa Baru!!
walaupun terasa Asing denga Kehidupan Baru ini tapi pasti kita Bisa karena Biasa :D

Thanks for visiting ....
Indri ... :D

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